Running Thoughts... November 16 episode
There's the Teddy Bear we saw being drug through the jungle on a strap.
Why did Bernard stumble over his name? And who was in the seat next to him? It wasn't Rose.
Why am I looking for character parallels??
Did we know that they had lost communication and were turning back?
I like the speedy pacing of the days... like kids on a soap opera, from birth to adulthood in a year!
Anna Lucia is a stone cold KILLAH!
She found a list on the first person she killed and it had their names on it?? The names of those they kidnapped.
Who is watching the Lost secret scene on Good Morning America? Are we missing something? Why don't they just slip a little something into the middle of Monday Night Football.
Nathan was gone for two hours? Going to the bathroom? That's my kind of guy!
Nathan, Ethan, Nathan, Ethan... hmmm. And he wasn't on the plane?? Neither was Ethan Rom!
Goodwin is a Stone Cold KILLAH!
Quarantine on the INSIDE again.
Dharma with an arrow pointing up.
A glass eye??
Anna Lucia is a flippin' detective! And Bruce Lee!
Boone's voice on the walkie talkie. The dude has been on the show more since he died than he was when he was alive.
Good ending... lots of DRAMA!
Why did Bernard stumble over his name? And who was in the seat next to him? It wasn't Rose.
Why am I looking for character parallels??
Did we know that they had lost communication and were turning back?
I like the speedy pacing of the days... like kids on a soap opera, from birth to adulthood in a year!
Anna Lucia is a stone cold KILLAH!
She found a list on the first person she killed and it had their names on it?? The names of those they kidnapped.
Who is watching the Lost secret scene on Good Morning America? Are we missing something? Why don't they just slip a little something into the middle of Monday Night Football.
Nathan was gone for two hours? Going to the bathroom? That's my kind of guy!
Nathan, Ethan, Nathan, Ethan... hmmm. And he wasn't on the plane?? Neither was Ethan Rom!
Goodwin is a Stone Cold KILLAH!
Quarantine on the INSIDE again.
Dharma with an arrow pointing up.
A glass eye??
Anna Lucia is a flippin' detective! And Bruce Lee!
Boone's voice on the walkie talkie. The dude has been on the show more since he died than he was when he was alive.
Good ending... lots of DRAMA!
is it Frank who does the running thoughts?
The little girle Ana Lucia saves is the same little girl Shannon was teaching in the flashback of the ballet class
Remember how Ethan Rom spelled 'other man'?? Well, Goodwin spells 'down I go', 'i now god', 'i now dog'....weird isn't it?
A few of my thoughts about last nights show:
Did anyone ever stop to think that maybe Bernard stumbled when he said his name because he was in total shock because of what had just happened?????
Anna Lucia must have a back round in law inforcement or the military or something. She is really good at kicking guys butts, keeping a somewhat cool head in a hard situation, good survival skills, and interrogation tactics, etc.
I'm beginning to think that the plane was crasked on that island on purpose. Poeple stopped Jin, Michael, Sawyer and Walt from finding help by leaving the island on the raft. It makes sense to me, does it to anyone else?
Where is Desmond??????
Did anyone notice that when Jin and Mr. Ecko were hiding from the others that the 'others' all had either gray or brown pants on like they were issued to them???
I believe that Anna L. is either former military, from the family of military, or a HUGE WWF fan, what with the flying clothesline move on the 'perp'. Also, she knew about the military stamp on the knife tang(end with the logo at the pivot.) The other thing that leads me in this direction was the way she removed the gun from Sawyer. Last part of this comment-- If they only had one bullet, and it was used to kill Said's lady love, how can the preview shaow another round from the gun being discharged next week?
Has anyone been able to get the Dharma Initative page to down load on The Hanso Foundation website?? I have DSL and it still wont come up, the progress bar at the bottom of the screen gets to about 45% and then stops all together.
Well, you know how the 'others' were dragging the teddy bear through the forest? Well I think that, possibly Peter Pan and the gang fell out of Neverland.
I just happened to see the GMA show last week. They showed them finding a big crate. They opened it and found it was full of boomerangs.
just watched season 1 and caught up to this week, last week. Has anyone mentioned that flight 815 are also part of the numbers 8,15 and that each island person has that least one of the numbers. 8months preg., hasnt talked to dad in 4years and so on.\
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