Running Thoughts... November 9 episode

And what did he just say? More screwed up backwards speech.

Does Claire not like Charlie the Daddy?
For the 14 seconds Shannon WASN'T scowling, she looked gorgeous.
We called it! Shannon's father died in JACK'S operating room. He just walked by the camera. So what does all the crossed paths mean???
Enough with the time warp wigs for the flashbacks!
Is this another night of "slooooow paaaaaaacce Loooooost"?
Them, others, we, us... sheesh.
I have a feeling our spoiler is bogus. Where has Sun been the entire episode. Kinda hard to DIE if she's not on the show.
Who is Cindy and is she the one "Lost Forever"? It's 9:54 and I'm about to call Bulls--t.
WHO KEEPS WHISPERING? Don't they know that's rude.
Finally, someone else sees Walt.
Uh oh... we gave the wrong spoiler.
Shannon is DEAD? But why? Man, what do the producers have against her and Boone?
I am about SICK of that Anna Lucia. Sayid need to go "wacky Iraqi" on her.
Good night my peeps...
Here's a link of what Walt was saying to Shannon in tonight's episode:
"They're coming and they're close."
Found it on the Lost message board at
Man! That was CRUEL to have the big moment between her and Sayid seconds before she got blown away. Looks like Ana Lucia gots some 'splaining to do...
Well they don't have to worry about trying to use their one bullet and one gun anymore.
Can you really kill what's already dead?
They got rid of Shannon for the same reason they may be getting rid of Kate soon. Movies pay more than TV... Maggie Grace is in 'The Fog,' and is in another movie that is in production now...Evangeline is apparantly working on Wonder Woman....
I do think it's a little frustrating that just as we're getting to know a character thought was a pita, and maybe starting to feel a little sorry for her, they knock her off...
oh well.
And you say I don't have a life! Whatever, That is the dumbest show I have ever not seen. I tried to watch it the first few times it was on, but come on, it's like trying to watch a paint dry, no matter what happens thy are still on the damn island!!! Duh. I would rather be circumsised with a spoon! P.S. try something that takes some brain matter to watch. IE. Discovery channel, etc. Hell the weather channel would be better than that crap!!! Yours Truley, The Toolman
Does anyone else think that Shannon was not shot by Ana Lucia? Her wound looks as if she may have been stabbed. Perhaps she is not dead, and Jack will have to once again choose who to save: Shannon or Sawyer???
Also, Mr. Eko has a distinct accent. If I remember, the plane Locke found was from Nigeria. Could Mr. Eko be a survivor from this crash? There was only one body. If he had been there longer, it could explain his uncanny knowledge of the island.
Hey toolman, you call that a life? You call the station everyday just so you can say tool? You might think your the toolman, but I think your just a d..k
LawL here from
I have proof Shannon wasn't shot! She was stabbed!!!!!
Also a spoiler/theory of who did kill Shannon:
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