Wednesday, November 16, 2005

From Today's New York Post

MEMO to "Lost" fanatics: those numbers you're all so obsessed with — not even the producers know what they mean.

"I think that that question will never, ever be answered," "Lost" co-creator Damon Lindelof tells today's edition of, when asked about the significance of the strange numbers — 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 — that have become so central to the series.

"I couldn't possibly imagine [how we would answer that question]. We will see more ramifications of the numbers and more usage of the numbers, but it boggles my mind when people ask me, 'What do the numbers mean?,' " Lindelof says.

The numbers have become a huge part of "Lost." In various ways, they've drawn many of the castaways to the island and were even used by one character — Hurley — to win the lottery before he got on the ill-fated flight.

"Lost" co-creator Carlton Cuse tells the Web site that Shannon (Maggie Grace) was indeed shot and killed on last week's episode. Fans have been speculating all week that her death was a red herring.

"She was shot," he says.

Lindelof adds that "Lost" fans who analyze each episode may be reading a little too much into the show.

"They totally are," he says. — Don Kaplan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that Ana Lucia is either ex-military, or from the family of military persons. My reasoning behind this: she knew about the knife tang stamp with the U.S. ARMY on it. Next, the flying clothesline on the attacking "other". The problem I have with this episode and the preview of the nest one is this; she has one round left in the gun, which she uses to take out Shannon, however inadvertant it may have been, but in the preview of the next episode, she fires another round when Sayid comes after her. Did "another" (sic) give it to her?

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lost LAST WEEK... JAN.18th. THE 23rd PSALM makes a lot of sense now.

Mr. Echo saw his life pass before him in the "Shadow of Death" and he feared no evil. He was not afraid! Some on the island are EVIL, how can they fear evil? They have found green pastures, and water and been led to it by a Shephard. And Shephard has made many think about their pasts, restoring their souls.
It is all based upon Psalm 23. Everyone on the island is in the Valley of the Shadow of Death. What happens either before they die or after or during. Purgatory for some. Some are afraid of the shadow, depending on their past, some are not! Some are evil, some are afraid of evil or maybe in Mr. Echo's case, not afraid because he ultimately is a good man, at least he decided to be in the last epoisode and was in the beginning of his life. Echo actually gave his life for his brother! BROTHER also being a key word in this show!

The PEOPLE on the ISLAND will DWELL in the HOUSE (THE HATCH) of the LORD (The COMPUTER...BEING THE RULER OF THE ISLAND) or at least in control of their destiny, so they think... FOREVER because someone must ALWAYS BE THERE!!!


6:48 PM  

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